Electronic Stethoscopes – Advantages and Disadvantages

Electronic stethoscopes carry many advantages and disadvantages that your non-electronic stethoscopes may not feature. For starters the electronic stethoscope is obviously going to have a far more amplifying ability than an acoustic stethoscope. By the mere touch of a button on your digital stethoscope you are ensuring that you are getting closer and closer to a sound that will provide a diagnosis. These amplified sounds are something new in the auscultation arena in which stethoscopes are used, and it should come to no surprise to you when your co-workers are left in awe with such dramatic capabilities your fancy stethoscope displays.

These sounds can even be recorded by most electronic models and some models even come with computer software that enables the capability to view the sound waves. These models that come with software are more expensive and the medical professional should ask herself what will be the purpose of this instrument in the long term. The cardiology and pulmonary departments should take particular interest in electronic stethoscopes. Of course these two departments have utilized non-electronic stethoscopes for decades and have successfully operated, but what the electronic stethoscope can provide is a revolutionized way of ausculatating that perhaps should be practiced exclusively by cardiologist and pulmonologist.

The disadvantages of purchasing these stethoscopes should also be acknowledged. Particularly because they are expensive and you do not want to spend so much money on an instrument that is really not going to make you a better professional. Electronic stethoscopes have a tendency to suffer from interference when other electronic instruments like cell phones are around. Batteries are a huge turn off for those using digital stethoscopes and are always on the run in the work place. Troubleshooting this battery issue of course requires a little discipline. Storing batteries away in a nearby drawer that you know is easily accessible at any time is a must, especially if a patient is waiting. Knowing how to quickly install the batteries is necessary if the electronic stethoscope is going to be used on a daily basis. Another known fact about digital stethoscopes is that they are very expensive. Even the ones made from cheap material can range from $150-$200 and the more expensive models can be double.

But let me not stress you out! The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, however it is important to note that these electronic models are not made for everyone so considering the above mentioned facts is crucial because again, you are going to spend some serious money with these high tech instruments.

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